Find all your leaked content of Onlyfans, Patreon, Fansly and other platforms in one place
with automatic scanning
Other Platforms
with lots of features
List of websites with your stolen content
Find the list of websites and platforms divided by domain that contain your stolen content.
Leaks Finder is able to scan internet any day and identify websites that contain content stolen from the creators so as to catalog them and indicate the domain and platform.
Clickable link to view stolen content
Find the precise url of the single leak so you can view and manage the single leak quickly.
Date when the leak was found
Leaks Finder records the date it finds the single leak to provide you with a sortable log by date of the content that is stolen from you without your permission.
Last scan date of the leak
Leaks Finder scans internet several times during the day to search leaks, when finds a leak already in the database it notifies you by updating the scan date so you can sort the leaks by the latest scan date with no duplicate leaks.
Leaks Platform
Leaks Finder scans different platforms from search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo and others to Telegram, Reddit and other platforms in search of leaks.
All automatically, without any configuration by the creator or his staff.
Search Terms
Trace the search terms used to find leaks so you can repeat them and discover new ways to find leaks hidden from you such as using letters instead of characters, binary conversions or terms that you would never imagine.
Leaks Title
Leaks Finder scans and saves title of the page that contains your leaks so you can track the titles of the pages with your leaks to check the terms used by the leakers.
Leaks Description
Leaks Finder scans and saves meta description of the page that contains your leaks so you can track the descriptions of the pages with your leaks to check the terms used by the leakers.
Leaks Preview Image
Leaks Finder scans and saves featured image of the page that contains your leaks so you can take a look at the main image of the pages with your leaks to check the terms used by the leakers.
Automatic AI Rating System
On a rating algorithm has been developed that is able to associate a value, from 0 to 3, to the leaks found.
Give a rating to the leak
You can associate the rating from 0 to 10 to the leak in order to catalog leaks and your single leaked content.
Send leaks to your legal team
Submit leaks to your legal team directly from Leaks Finder. You will know if you have already submitted the leaks because the color of the icon will change so you can understand what you have reported and what you have not yet reported to your lawyer.
Database of sites and social networks of the leaks
A database of all sites and platforms so you have more information on the various platforms that spread your stolen content.
Sortable Leaks List
You can sort the leaks as you prefer according to different criteria so as to facilitate the management of the leaks.
Search Engine
You can search for information for each leak with a convenient, quick and easy internal search engine.
Visited Leak
When you visit a leak, the icon changes color and a counter is updated so you can understand if you have already visited that leak or not.
Download CSV
You can download the list of leaks in CSV format in order to send the file to collaborators or create a personal database to integrate with other software as well.
Leaks Finder is a browser-based cloud software that is optimized for Windows, Linux and Mac computers.
The interface is optimized for Apple iOS and Android tablets.
The interface is optimized for Apple iOS and Android smartphones.
Only for Creators!
Access is allowed only to verified creators who will follow the verification via social networks according to the instructions provided. There is no chance that some malicious person will use the software.